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Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011


Ecuador is a longstanding partner of Flemish HEIs and one of the top VLIR-UOS partner countries. From 2003 to 2023 VLIR-UOS spent 25,9 million Euros in cooperation with Ecuador, including 3 long-term institutional partnerships: the IUCs with Escuela Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) and University of Cuenca (UCuenca), and an inter-institutional NETWORK project on biodiscovery and national resources, coordinated by ESPOL, in collaboration with EPN, UTN and Ucuenca.
Ecuador is also one of our 29 scholarship countries.

Ecuador and Agenda 2030 - country reference framework

VLIR-UOS revised its country approach towards an ‘Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development’ centered approach, where country reference frameworks (CRF) are worked out. The CRF document supports teams of academics when identifying and formulating project proposals, by providing a context analysis focused on Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development and the higher education sector in a given country, and by providing an overview of Belgian development actors, their ongoing projects and partners in that country in view of exploration of opportunities for synergy and complementarity within the Joint Strategic Framework of Belgian Non-Governmental Actors active in Ecuador. On the other hand Belgian HE and Science actors joined in a thematic Joint Strategic Framework (JSF) on HES4SD.

VLIR-UOS cooperation in Ecuador has always been strongly aligned with the Ecuadorian national strategies for improving the quality of life (‘Buen vivir’) and with its priorities in terms of Higher Education and Science supporting the strengthening of higher education institutions in their role as driver of change by improving education, research and extension of new knowledge, applications and services in various domains. This is in line with the objectives of the thematic JSF.

Overview current partners
