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+32 2 289 05 50
Julien Dillensplein 1, Box 1A
1060 Brussels | Belgium

General enquiriesDo you need any information on general subjects, scholarships or invoices? Or do you wish to report a breach of integrity? Please contact us on the e-mail addresses below.

General enquiries info@vliruos.be

Community Talks communitytalks@vliruos.be

Scholarship enquiries scholarships@vliruos.be

Invoice enquiries invoice@vliruos.be

Integrity enquiries integrity@vliruos.be


Management Team

Kristien Verbrugghen
+32 2 289 05 54
Koen De Koster
Head of Strategy & Operations
+32 2 550 19 69
Michaëla Stubbers
Head of Digital Factory
+32 2 289 05 74

Corporate staff

Els Celis
HR & Legal Officer
+32 2 550 19 61

HR, office management, legal framework

Not available on Wednesday, Thursday afternoon & Friday

Programme Hub

Peter De Lannoy
Global Partnerships Coordinator
+32 2 550 19 64


Cuba, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Bolivia, Peru & Vietnam

Focal Point: Thematic Joint Strategic Framework, HES4SD

Kathleen Wuytack
Global Partnerships Manager
+32 2 289 05 55

DR Congo, Burundi, Benin, Morocco & Uganda

Laura Uwase
Global Partnerships Manager
+32 2 289 05 59

Indonesia, Philippines, Rwanda & South Africa

Communication, PSP

Geraldine Mabbe
Global Partnerships Manager
+32 2 289 05 57

Tanzania, Kenya & ITP

Not available on Wednesday

Arne Willems
Global Partnerships Manager
+32 2 289 05 52
Kathelijne Houben
Global Networks Coordinator
+32 2 289 05 71
Jan Kennis
Global Networks Manager
+ 32 2 289 05 56
Valeria Lemaitre
Project & Process Manager
+32 2 550 19 68
Steven Bracke
Finance Coordinator
+32 2 550 19 65
Peter Verbeeck
Finance & Audit
+32 2 289 05 53
Mathieu Lanin
Finance Advisor
+32 2 289 05 70

Focal Point: Financial Framework & Working Group ICOS-FIN

An Vanhulle
Finance Advisor
+32 2 289 05 79

Only available on Monday

Aimo Buelinckx
Mobility & Scholarships Officer
+32 2 550 19 63

Not available on Friday

Kristof Van Der Perren
Programme Hub Officer
+32 2 550 19 66

Support Digital Communication & Information, and support Calls and Selections

Digital Factory

Larissa Celis
Communication Manager
+32 2 289 05 78
Richard Anderson
Business Analyst
+32 2 550 19 60
Tim Zeuwts
Information Manager
+32 2 289 05 58

Information Management

Mohammed Hakawati
Expert Data Engineer
+32 2 289 05 73
Veerle Versele
Digital Factory Officer
+32 2 289 05 51

Support Communication, Events & Social Media

Not available on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday

Janyn Lumanglas
Scholarship and Communication Officer


Temporarily employed (6 months from 18/3/2024)

Institutional Coordinators for Development Cooperation (ICOS) / Global Engagement Officers (GEO)The Institutional Coordinators for Development Cooperation (ICOS) are the contacts of VLIR-UOS at the Flemish universities. The Global Engagement Officers (GEO) are our main contacts at the Flemish universities of applied sciences and arts. ICOS and GEO inform academics, specialists and lecturers about opportunities for cooperation. They help with formulating project proposals and provide support for the execution of the projects.

Flemish universities

University of Antwerp
University Development Cooperation | E-mail
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
University Development Cooperation | E-mail
Ghent University
University Development Cooperation | E-mail
KU Leuven
University Development Cooperation | E-mail
Hasselt University
University Development Cooperation | E-mail

Flemish universities of applied sciences and arts

Antwerp Maritime Academy
Olivier Schalm | E-mail | +32 3 205 64 45
Artesis Plantijn University of Applied Sciences and Arts Antwerp
Peter Partoens | E-mail | +32 3 220 32 64
Artevelde University of Applied Sciences
Axelle Marrannes | E-mail | +32 9 234 95 44
Erasmus Brussels University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Emeline Lemmens | E-mail | +32 2 559 15 15
Howest University of Applied Sciences
Katelijne Demeyere | E-mail | +32 56 24 12 11
Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Maayke Nabuurs | E-mail | +32 3 613 13 58
LUCA School of Arts
Jan Louis de Bruyn | E-mail | +32 2 250 11 41
Odisee University of Applied Sciences
Nele Vermeulen | E-mail | +32 2 609 81 00
PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Kristien Bauwens | E-mail | +32 11 77 56 21
Thomas More University of Applied Sciences
Inge Vervoort | E-mail | +32 14 74 05 54
UC Leuven-Limburg University of Applied Sciences
Bram Kellens | E-mail | +32 16 37 57 56
HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Kathleen Van Heule | E-mail | +32 9 243 34 81
VIVES University of Applied Sciences
Tine Ternest | E-mail | +32 56 26 40 89

How to reach us?Find out more


Julien Dillensplein 1, Box 1A
1060 Brussels | Belgium

Metro line 2 or 6
Stop 'Munthof / Hôtel des Monnaies'

From Brussels Midi Station (15-min walk)  


The nearest parking is Hallepoort /
Porte de Hal (Waterloolaan 103 A, 1000 Brussels)