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IUC 2021 Phase In UNILU


Challenges and opportunities for a sustainable socio-ecology of in the Katangese Copperbelt Area

By providing adequate training and building stronger multi-disciplinary research capacities, UNILU, together with the local stakeholders, could make a significant contribution towards improving the sustainable socio-ecology situation in the Katangese Copperbelt Area.

The project is composed out of 6 sub-projects: (click on the projects to get a short presentation)

Intervention Team Leader DR Congo Team Leader Flanders University FTL
Biodiversity and climate change Basile Mujinya Bazirake Pascal Boeckx UGent
Environment and health Salvius Bakari Amuri Virginie Bito UHasselt
Governance and security Laurent Ngoy Ndjibu Sara Geenen UAntwerpen
Entrepreneurship Pascal Sem Mbimbi Nikolay Dentchev Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Climate smart agriculture for sustainable food systems Florence Kampemba Mujinga Geert Haesaert UGent
Institutional capacity building Donatien Dibwe Dia Mwembu JM Rigo UHasselt

More information on the project can be found here.

Watch their introductory movie here.

Version française ici.

Find more information on our previous projects with UNILU.

On 15 September 2021 a connect session with UNILU was organised. Find out more here.

Intervention type

Institutional University Cooperation


02/03/2021 - 31/08/2022

This project is being implemented in:
Flemish coordinator Virginie Bito
Local coordinator César Nkuku Khonde
Flemish institution Universiteit Hasselt
visit www.uhasselt.be
Local partner institution Université de Lubumbashi
visit http://www.unilu.ac.cd/
Other Flemish Partners Universiteit Antwerpen
visit www.uantwerpen.be
Universiteit Gent
visit www.ugent.be
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
visit www.vub.ac.be
Budget € 160.000