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Improving treatment of Acute Kidney Injury in children in the provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo


In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), acute kidney injury (AKI) contributes significantly to the high rate of child mortality owing to the conjunction of poverty, deficiency of qualified healthcare providers in pediatric nephrology and the lack of pediatric dialysis program. The recent experience of the first pediatric acute peritoneal dialysis (PD) program in the DRC, installed at University Hospital of Kinshasa, with the support of VLIR TEAM project, has remarkably improved the access to PD treatment and survival of children with AKI in Kinshasa. In order to contribute more efficiently to the decline of child mortality related to the kidney diseases in general and especially due to AKI in the DRC, the current project aims to extend this promising experience to other provinces of the country, through healthcare providers training and establishment of pediatric PD programs in the provinces. Initially, the two targeted provinces are: Sud-Kivu (Bukavu) and Kongo-Central (Kisantu).

Intervention type



01/01/2020 - 31/12/2021

This project is being implemented in:
Flemish promoter Elena Levtchenko
Local promoter Pepe Ekulu Mfutu
Local partner institution KU Leuven
visit www.kuleuven.be
Local partner institution Université de Kinshasa
visit www.unikin.cd
Other local partners Hôpital Saint-Luc de Kisantu
Université Catholique de Bukavu
Budget € 89.993