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Solutions for global water sustainability


Water problems are a major global challenge, but many developing countries are least prepared. They face huge challenges in solving water problems such as droughts, floods, shortage of potable water, water sanitation, pollution and associated environmental, economic, and health risks. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) clearly highlight the importance of water, which despite being directly addressed in SDG 6, is transversal to all the 17 SGDs. Qualitative education in state of the art water science is of utmost importance to achieve the SDGs.

The objective of the ITP ‘Solutions for global water sustainability’ is to address this global goal by transferring knowledge about sustainable water management, cost-effective water technologies, and restoring, conserving and optimally using services provided by water ecosystems (i.e. nature-based solutions) through North-South and South-South interactions. Through this intensive training, participants will improve their knowledge, competences and skills in state of the art water science and learn how to implement it in their own country and professional situation.

Intervention type

International Training Programme


13/09/2021 - 03/12/2021

This project is being implemented in:
Flemish promoter Patrick Meire
Local partner institution Universiteit Antwerpen
visit www.uantwerpen.be
Budget € 53.136