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Exploring foodborne parasites as a food safety problem in South Vietnam


Safe food is essential for good health, yet foodborne parasitic zoonoses have been largely neglected in food safety, while they represent a double burden (health and income) on already vulnerable small scale subsistence farmers in rural areas. Whereas data from North and Central Vietnam indicate the presence of these pathogens, their risk factors and impact, the situation in South Vietnam is unknown. This exploratory South Initiative aims to (1) establish the capacity, both on human capital and laboratory facilities level, to detect, study and manage foodborne parasites, (2) preliminary study the occurrence, risk factors, hazards and critical control points related to foodborne parasites in the production chains of livestock and fish and (3) create awareness with stakeholders regarding these pathogens in South Vietnam.The establishment of a multidisciplinary expert group, based on the One Health approach, capable of studying and managing foodborne parasites will create a strong basis for future larger scale projects and will provide the regulatory authority stakeholders with tools to tackle these diseases.

Intervention type

South Initiatives


01/01/2020 - 31/12/2021

This project is being implemented in:
Flemish promoter Sarah Gabriël
Local promoter Hien Le Thanh
Local partner institution Universiteit Gent
visit www.ugent.be
Local partner institution Nong Lam University
visit www.hcmuaf.edu.vn
Other local partners National Institute of Veterinary Research
Institute of Public Health
Budget € 70.000