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Inquiry-based science education in metal polluted areas in Peru: training teachers how to teach science by the use of biosensors


This project aims to provide a proof-of-concept on how to improve science education in Peru by training teachers on developing student’s inquiries about local pollution using biotechnology. The Ministry of Education (MINEDU) has recently adopted a new curriculum centered on the skills for scientific inquiry; however, because Peruvian scientific development and education are ranked among the lowest of the continent, there is need of examples and training on how to teach in an inquiry-based way. Therefore, we want to develop a training course for teachers on student-centered research projects using biosensors for the detection of heavy metal pollution. Besides improving educational practices, we expect to create awareness on pollution, display the potential benefit of biotechnology, inspire and empower teachers. The sustainability of these activities will rely on a network of University researchers committed to collaborate with high-school education, the constant coordination with key actors of the MINEDU and the possibility to deploy a follow-up Citizen Science program for mapping heavy metal pollution in the country.

Intervention type

South Initiatives


01/01/2020 - 31/12/2021

This project is being implemented in:
Flemish promoter Tom Peeters
Local promoter Daniel Guerra
Financial collaborator Wout Laenen
Local partner institution Erasmushogeschool Brussel
visit www.erasmushogeschool.be
Local partner institution Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
Other local partners Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana
Budget € 68.371