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A Nation Divided? Assessing and Analyzing Social Cohesion in South Africa


Whilst the building of a democratic, equal and socially cohesive society has long been the vision of post-apartheid social and economic policy in South Africa, the country is yet to emerge as a socially cohesive nation. The current project aims to assess and analyze the current state and evolution of social cohesion in South Africa. The project also aims to improve our understanding of why the goal of building a cohesive society has remained elusive and what policies and programs may be needed if South Africa is to achieve this goal in the future.

Intervention type

TEAM projects


01/05/2016 - 30/04/2021

This project is being implemented in:
Flemish promoter Arnim Langer
Local promoter Stéphanie Bogaerts
Local promoter Justine Burns
Local partner institution KU Leuven
visit www.kuleuven.be
Local partner institution University of Cape Town
visit https://www.uct.ac.za/
Other local partners University of the Free State
visit http://www.ufs.ac.za/
Budget € 299.888